A. Homicidal situations B. Suicidal situations C. Abusive family/marriage situations 1. Emotional /verbal 2. Physical 3. Sexual D. Drug/alcohol/substance abuse/dependency E. Sexual addictions/Gender related issues F. Anorexia/Bulimia problems G. Obsessive/Compulsive signs - persistent unwanted thoughts/behaviors H. Recurrent and persistent lying and deception I. Neurotic symptoms/situations 1. Extreme Anxiety/Phobias (Usually stress related) 2. Extreme, long term Depression (Usually loss related) J. Psychotic symptoms/behaviors (non-reality type, bizarre behavior) 1. Delusions - unrealistic over-reactive fears 2. Hallucinations - hearing/seeing things not present (These may need psychological testing or medication) K. Extreme youth/adolescent actions/behaviors 1. ADD, ADDH 2. Oppositional Defiant Disorder 3. Conduct Disorder
Situations or Behaviors that are a PROBABLE Referral
A.Extreme communication problems in relationships/families B.Poor spending habits/financial irresponsibility C.Legal issues D. Habitual gossiping E. Extreme bitterness, resentment, anger or rage F.Extreme parenting issues/problems G. Extreme self condemnation or shame H. Observable ongoing physical symptoms (extreme irritability, tiredness, etc.) 1. Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism 2. Hypoglycemia (Diabetic) 3. Mononucleosis 4. Menopausal symptoms 5. Tourette's Disorder (tics)
Christian Counseling Centers of Indiana Two Locations: Avalon Christian Counseling Center - Fort Wayne, Indiana
Auburn Christian Counseling Center - Auburn, Indiana