The Chapel
Celebrate Recovery - A 12-Step biblical program based on the 8 recovery principles. “Forward looking” Centered on a spiritual commitment to Jesus Christ. Confidential; safe environment. It is a ministry started at Saddleback Church by Rick Warren, the author of The Purpose Driven Life. The Chapel 2505 W. Hamilton Rd. S., Fort Wayne, IN 46814
DivorceCare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Don’t go through separation or divorce alone.
Grace Point Church of the Nazarene
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered recovery ministry
Grace Point CR is the best place to be in Fort Wayne on a Monday night.
Come join us on Mondays - 7pm-9pm in the Youth Center.
Second Monday of the month is our fellowship dinner at 6:00 p.m.
Celebrate Recovery is
- A recovery program based on God's Word, the Bible.
- A recovery program that is forward-looking.
- A recovery program that emphasizes personal responsibility.
- A recovery program that Emphasizes spiritual commitment to Jesus Christ.
A recovery program that addresses many types of Hurts, Habits and Hang-ups: Chemical Addiction; Sexual Addiction; Food Addiction; Codependency; Abuse; Hurts; Losses and Dysfunctional Behaviors.
You will find this Monday night experience to be a refreshing time. It is a safe place with no judgment.
Contact Brent and Heidi (CelebrateRecovery@gpnaz.org), or the church office with your questions.
Mentoring Moms
Women who are involved in the mentoring program are: Provided with individual Christian counseling; Paired with a Christian woman who serves as her mentor; Required to attend monthly and/or weekly group meetings; Given access to a Christian Crisis Intervention Team; Given spiritual and emotional encouragement by the group; Given Christian leadership and training opportunities; Given the opportunity to grow from Mentoree to Mentor; Provided support as they mentor other women.
Contact Diane Stitzer at: dstitzer@mentoringmomsministry.com.
The Live Your Life Alateen Group meets at Aldersgate United Methodist Church every Tuesday evening from 7:30-8:30 pm. Our Alateen meeting is concurrent with Al-Anon and AA meetings at the church for the convenience of all. Our Alateen group is almost three years old. Our attendance varies depending on the time of year and other factors. We have youth ages 11 to 17, currently. Alateen is part of the Al-Anon Family Group fellowship and is intended for teens that have been affected by the addiction of a close friend or relative. Alateen provides a safe place for young people to learn: that they are not alone, the many blessings of recovery, to gain perspective on themselves and their situation, and to grow in healthy ways.
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