| The Marriage Bed - Sex and Intimacy for Married Christians - The Marriage Bed provides a Christian alternative for married and engaged couples seeking information about marital intimacy. We combine the truth of the Bible with biological facts to educate, edify and minister to those seeking God's best for their marriage relationship. Whether you are just starting out, have some problems, or just want to improve an already good love life, we offer information and resources on many areas of sexuality and marriage enrichment. | | Shaunti Feldhahn - Best-selling author Shaunti Feldhahn's research will open couple's eyes to what their partners and family are really thinking and feeling. Her books show everyone how to provide the loving support that others want and need, and build the truly intimate relationships we all so deeply desire. | | Proverbs 31 Ministries - Bringing God's Peace, Perspective and Purpose to today's busy woman. | | The Gottman Institute - The Gottman Institute, co-founded by Drs. John and Julie Schwartz Gottman, has two major functions. The Institute helps couples directly, and it provides state-of-the-art training to mental health professionals and other health care providers. The Gottman Institute applies leading-edge research on marriage in a practical, down-to-earth therapy and trains therapists committed to helping couples. No other approach to couples education and therapy has relied on such intensive, detailed, and long-term scientific study of why marriages succeed or fail. | | Helping Wise Women Make Sense of Men & Marriage - The Truth is - whether you are male or female - you are creatively designed for Romance. And The Lord is deeply interested in your Holiness. | | Marriage Builders - In this site, you will be introduced to some of the best ways to overcome marital conflicts and some of the quickest ways to restore love. | | Refresh Your Marriage - In 2019 Dr. Emerson Eggerichs and Matt Loehr created REFRESH YOUR MARRIAGE as a joint effort to offer an online marriage course to include a marriage assessment, biblical teaching, tools, resources and so much more. With decades of counseling and mentoring couples, their teaching offers practical steps to resolve issues in a loving and respectful way. |