SCRIPTURE - Psalms Studies
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The Psalms are good medicine for the heart. We like all our counselees to read and reflect on God's word and especially the Psalms. The Psalms are found in the middle of the Bible. You might say they are "the heart of the Bible". Many of them were written by David a "man after God's own heart".
Attached are seven Psalms from the Book of Psalms in the Bible. We would like you to "dwell" on the Psalms nightly. A good place to start is with the first Psalm. Read it as you go to bed and reflect on it as you go to sleep. Let it dwell in your heart all night long. The day begins the night before.
Each day take a Psalm to bed with you. You may find a favorite in the Psalms or you may just enjoy rotating them. Do this nightly for six weeks adding other Psalms, as you like. You may be surprised at how healing the Psalms are.
Reasons to Read Psalms
God's Word was written to be studied, understood, and applied, and the book of Psalms lends itself most directly to application. We understand the psalms best when we "stand under" them and allow them to flow over us like a rain shower. We may turn to Psalms looking for something, but sooner or later we will meet Someone. As we read and memorize the psalms, we will gradually discover how much they are already part of us. They put into words our deepest hurts, longings, thoughts, and prayers. They gently push us toward being what God designed us to be?people loving and living for him.
When you want to... |
Read... |
find comfort |
Psalm 23 |
meet God intimately |
Psalm 103 |
learn a new prayer |
Psalm 136 |
learn a new song |
Psalm 92 |
learn more about God |
Psalm 24 |
understand yourself more clearly |
Psalm 8 |
know how to come to God each day |
Psalm 5 |
be forgiven for your sins |
Psalm 51 |
feel worthwhile |
Psalm 139 |
understand why you should read the Bible |
Psalm 119 |
give praise to God |
Psalm 145 |
know that God is in control |
Psalm 146 |
give thanks to God |
Psalm 136 |
please God |
Psalm 15 |
know why you should worship God |
Psalm 104 |
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Psalms to Learn and Love
Almost everyone, whether religious or not, has heard Psalm 23 because it is quoted so frequently. Many other psalms are also familiar because they are quoted in music, in literature, or in the words of the worship service.
The psalms we know and love are the ones that come into our minds when we need them. They inspire us, comfort us, correct us just when we need a word from the Lord. If you want to begin memorizing psalms, start with some of these favorites. Memorize the whole psalm or just the verses that speak most directly to you. Or read the psalm aloud several times a day until it is part of you.
Psalms to bring us into God's presence |
29; 95:1-7a; 96; 100 |
Psalms about goodness |
1; 19; 24; 133; 136; 139 |
Psalms of praise |
8; 97; 103; 107; 113; 145; 150 |
Psalms of repentance and forgiveness |
32:1-5; 51; 103 |
Psalms for times of trouble |
3; 14; 22; 37:1-11; 42; 46; 53; 116:1-7 |
Psalms of confidence and trust |
23; 40:1-4; 91; 119:11; 121; 127 |
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