Look off in the distance. You should see a light--it might be small, it might be bright. Focus on the light.
As you watch the light it gradually comes closer. Watch the light. Study the light. Focus your whole attention on the light.
This is the light of God's glory. You are not afraid. It is a holy light. Wait on the light. Let the light touch you. It is warm.
The light is God's love. Let the light of God's love enter your being. It moves inside you?let it. Let it move throughout your body warming and healing everything that it touches.
It may start at your head and move to your toes or expand as it goes. You feel loved. As it moves it cleans out fears, bitterness, betrayals, hurts, and past pain. Let it.
The light surrounds you and becomes you. You are all light?the light of God's presence, his healing light. You feel light. You feel warm. You feel peace. You are being healed.
Hurts melt. Fears fade. Bitterness drops away. You are whole waiting to be filled. The light continues its journey within you. It does not stop until it reaches every corner of your heart, mind, soul and being. You feel loved. You feel at peace. You feel with God. Rest in the light.