There is a lot of information out there. "Out there" being defined as the web/internet. As I scroll through the content of the day that comes across my screen I realize much of what passes for information lacks wisdom and knowledge. In an attempt to be first or faster much of what is thrown out is either repetitive or not factual. Yes there is a lot of good sites and content, but the consumer also needs to be discriminating. It is easy to get "sucked into" a blog that passes for research or even research that passes itself as thorough and well done. Much of the information taken for gospel as it passes back and forth across the web has no solid foundation.
Perhaps it is good to slow done and reflect on what we read and not just read and repeat. Is it wise, is it valid, is it researched or is it opinion? Not that opinion is bad. That's what this is, but it needs to be identified as opinion and not passed off as fact.
Helping Hearts Heal,
Dr. Dan L. Boen